An adult makes an average of 20 thousand breathing-ins and breathing-outs daily, and about 10 000 litres of air pass through our lungs. Therewith, we spend almost 90 % of our time indoors.
The most available and effective method of air decontamination in the presence of people is the use of ultraviolet germicidal irradiators-recirculators DEZAR ® which provide reliable filtration of air current.
1-5 lamps
Quantity of lamps
95-99.90 %
Degree of decontamination
70-100 m³/hour
An adult makes an average of 20 thousand breathing-ins and breathing-outs daily, and about 10 000 litres of air pass through our lungs. Therewith, we spend almost 90 % of our time indoors.
The most available and effective method of air decontamination in the presence of people is the use of ultraviolet germicidal irradiators-recirculators DEZAR ® which provide reliable filtration of air current.
KRONT company is the only distributor of ultraviolet irradiators-recirculators of closed type DEZAR ® on the territory of the European Union.
The main purpose of DEZAR ® appliances is to prevent increase of the level of microbial content in the air
in the rooms with higher risk of spread of airborne infections (influenza, ARVI, ARD), as well as to protect us from bacteria, microbacteria and fungi.
Among our clients are: health care facilities, schools, kindergartens, offices, as well as the facilities for communal and consumer services.
DEZAR ® products — indispensable attribute for the rooms of all categories where health and safety are taken care of.
The whole range of products is certified by TUV NORD company according to EU regulations 2014/30/EU i 2014/35/EU. Certificate of compliance EU No.LVD/EMS 119/01.